Rescue Journal

Isaac update

Jean  ·  Sep. 9, 2006

Isaac appears to be very uncomfortable today - he is extremely restless. He woke me up by crying at 3:00 AM (most unusual for him - he has slept like a log every night since he arrived) and I let him out to do his business, but when he came back in he plodded and plodded around the house for three hours - he wouldn't settle in the kitchen where he customarily sleeps, so I tried lying on the couch and getting him to lie beside me where I could stroke him but he just wouldn't settle - paced and paced around the house. He plods heavily - no sleep for me! Eventually he sat pressed against me while I caught 40 winks in the armchair.
He ate okay, but all morning he continues to plod around - lies down for a few minutes, gets up, plods,lies down, gets up, plods.....seems confused and uncomfortable.

I also noticed he was dragging his right back foot upside down behind him when he came in from outside, and he has stumbled a number of times and is wobblier than usual.
I'll see if this is just a little relapse, but I think he is telling me that he'd like to go to the bridge very soon.

He keeps coming over and resting his head on my lap, looking at me with those big brown eyes of his. He is so grateful to Saints for getting him out of the pound and letting him be loved for his last few weeks. And I have been blessed with the opportunity to get to know this sweet, calm, gentle shepherd.




not a human silly is part of the burden of feeling his need...both you and i decided he should come, whether he cares about us or not, and if only he has eyes for jean, it is really nice for us to see that bond. we made a good team for him i think. sometimes it takes a village to give an old dog a home.


Leila, I don't get home from work until about 3:30 - 4:00 tomorrow, but any time after that. I haven't phoned the vet yet...putting off the inevitable, but I will do it today. I want to set it up for a day I don't teach so I can spend whatever time he has that day with him.

He is resting comfortably now after spending an hour or so outside with me and having a long cuddle in the sunshine. He is such a mushy boy!


Jean, I sure would like to see Isaac one more time before he goes. It is a silly human thing - the need to say good-bye cause it won't mean anything to Isaac as I am not a part of his world. But I can't forget seeing him for the 1st time stepping out of his kennel at CAC. He made me sigh - I can't forget that sigh. Maybe if you have time tomorrow.


Carol, yes I'd like you here - I have your schedule and will keep it in mind when I phone the vet.
He slept well again and is being a noisy bratty dog this morning! LOL


wed/thurs, i have 12 hour you want someone there with you? if it is one of those days maybe someone else can come (and bring pizza for him too)...all other days i can come if you need... his sun may be setting sooner than we had hoped, but at least he felt the warmth of the sun upon his face first. thx jean, hugs to you both.


Isaac seems a little more comfortable today. He remained restless all day yesterday, even with the codeine (which usually knocks ME out), until finally I was forced to abandon all pretence of work and lie down on his bed with him in front of the TV. We spent the evening watching a very bad movie on tv, me not wanting to disturb him in order to reach the remote control which unfortunately I'd left on the other side of the room! Isaac finally relaxed and dozed, and he slept well last night.
He can detect medicine in even the smelliest of foods, so getting it into him is a challenge. However, whether it is actually going down his throat or not, he was less restless today though he is stumbling badly and turned on Charley again, and even snapped at my cat's tail as Allie tried to get past him.

However, once again he enjoyed sitting on the lawn with me watching the sun go down, his head on my knee. Tomorrow I will be phoning our wonderful vet, as he is clearly fading, and it will soon be time for his sun to set.


it was a quick visit to drop off the codiene and i could see how much isaac has deteriorated...i had called the vet and asked her to call jean with the correct dose for him. she called back while i was still at jeans and while she was on the phone, i watched isaac stand against her legs and repeated shove his face between her knees. he did it over and over, shove and rub and that dog felt love. he is your dog jean, and i think it is so wonderful that when he goes he knows he belonged to you.


Jean you are Issac's world ... I am glad he gets to have that connection because I suspect he didn't have it before you came into his life.


Another one of those times when it's difficult being the adult. He is so lucky to have found you jean and Saints. Sounds like his life has been difficult but his ending will be peaceful and dignified. Take care jean and enjoy his love.


i will stop by with some codiene for him, you can give it in comjunction with the is for pain only, will not reduce any inflamation but will keep him comfortable until you both are ready.

Chris Thomas

Very hard decision Jean but we have to do what is best for the animals that we love.