soooo...bonnie survived her first night with no further blood-letting. she and i laid on the couch last night and watched "charlotte's web" and "in the pursuit of happiness". she enjoyed sharing my nacho's and 7 layer bean dip (as did tyra, buddy, sissy, jack, lexie and molly) and this morning she bravely tried some pumpkin pie but decided she did not like healthy pumpkin pie for breakfast. molly was more than happy to sneak around her and grab it off the floor when bonnie decided it was just not something she was comfortable with. molly thinks pumpkin pie is an appropriate breakfast item for a slim and trim pilate princess. different strokes for different folks, it works well around here at least.
jack is currently doing her morning constitutional laps around the coffee table which is worrying bonnie. she doesn't get the whole exercise and walk a block each day thing and keeps lifting her lips very subtly as jack wanders close to her now very own red leather couch. bonnie however is a very cooperative if somewhat fitness challenged dog and when i say "be nice" the lips come down and she gets a "good girl" and then she wiggles her jiggly self around on the couch. i think she just exercises differently and doesn't know this yet.
here's hoping for a really nice day that bonnie finds some value in, esp. since the pumpkin pie trick did not pan out.