Rescue Journal

i am mentally overwhelmed

Carol  ·  Mar 14, 2010

crappy nights sleep (archie was feeling perky!)...lahanie and edith were not well this morning so we had the vet out to see them, joey and peluchie are home, max's neck is still not good, chance while utterly adorable, is totally emotionally needy, steve was here to figure out the barn renovations (we have a grant that can only be used for this), the cows were trying to suck off my hair in case it gets shaved and they won't have it to suck on any more...and then deicided to suck on the vets antenna on his van since my hair was busy elsewhere..... and i am once again in full blown money freak out mode again....too many vet bills, the gut wrenching high cost of wages, and feed, hay and shavings (which all need re-ordering)..the utlilitiy bills for feb came...$1200 for just one month of heat and electricity for all four buildings...and as soon as the year end stuff is done, the accountants are going to hand me a whopping big bill.

hows that for a full run on sentence!

anyway....i would like one miracle...just one windfall of a million dollars so i can stop freaking out every couple of months. why is no one we know, utterly and completely disgustingly rich????

and here is the problem...god has no conception of the value of cash. so he plants the seed of rescuing wrecked and totally useless and expensive animals in this innocent brain open and ripe to great heavenly ideas. i don't know why the hell he couldn't have planted a money tree along with that seed, except probably because he really does have no concept of money.
