Animal Updates

rescue pretty much always sucks.

Carol  ·  Feb 2, 2011

eddy is in end stage renal failure...i have left him at the clinic tonight to get really well hydrated on the IV's and will bring him home in the morning. if we do have to euthanize, i don't want it to end for him after a couple of days in the clinic with IV's and blood tests. so we will bring him home, try him on some foretkor and a high fish diet and a ton of milk which is what we did for james bond and he is still kicking around, ripping off water from the kitchen sink. and if eddy does not do as well and it is his time to go then i will book him an appointment as soon as he needs.


pops was sore today...i wanted just to feel his lower leg but he didn't even want me anywhere near his very sore feet. this will be a long haul for him...months at least before we get close to him having somewhat normal feet. the process is going to be uncomfortable..and it will be a different discomfort then what he has been used to and learned to live with til now. he has had his first big rough cut, now he will be having very minor weekly trims and yes we will post pictures, jenn can get them this weekend.


monty had his full mouth extractions yesterday..he is still at the clinic and doing ok. if he is eating and not freaking out i will probably be bringing him home tomorrow as well.

monty with carol

granny's bloodwork came back ok..she is negative for FIV/FeLV so tonight i opened up her holding cage. and oliver has settled into the medical room quite well...he is out and about (mostly when he thinks i should hurry up with his dinner.)


and newest saints cat Granny

tina-feys pathology on her mammary tumour is is benign which is great news BUT the pathologist is questioning if it is hormonal..which means when the LA shelter spayed her..they may have missed part of an ovary. the vet said to watch her for going into heat...if she does, they will have to go back in and find whatever is still stimulating hormone release.

tina fey

i had a call on a 10 yr old de-clawed cat..the owner is moving in 2 weeks and she can't find a shelter to take in the cat. she tried the spca, and CARES and Katies Place and they are all full. CARES passed on our number to her. the cat apparently is sketchy...she does run up and bite folks on the ankles and feet...and that is what happens when you de-claw a cat, you run the risk of them getting a bit crazy. i think that cat will not do well here and i told her we are overfull too and i said it might be kinder in the long run for her to just euthanize her (and guess what...she doesn't want to do this...why not? sending her to an overcrowded multianimal shelter for probably the rest of her life when she is already physically crippled from her toe amputations and an emotional freak out from the distress of it all... is somehow kinder?) i told her to keep trying to find the poor cat a good home and to think about what i said to her and that she could call me back in a couple of weeks if she could not come up with a solution and i would see then if we were still too full.

i bet that cat is coming here...she made the decision to move to someplace where cats are not allowed...and i know from past experience, that the folks who make this decision usually will not stand by and watch the natural consequence of their now homeless cat being killed. honestly..what do they think will happen to them...oh i know...they will come to this lovely animal retirement place which is run by some incredibly kind and loving saint and soon they will find... the PERFECT home of their dreams.
cuz that is what really happens to all of the beloved now homeless senior cats when dumped by their deeply concerned and caring families...really the whole stupid and untrue fantasy makes me want to scream. is calling...and calling...and calling..i better go and give her whatever it is that she wants or she will never shut up.

Mini me me me me me etc. !!!
