here is what is happening today with some of the animals...
phoebe was an UTTER HAG..she jumped kobe and holly over the food bowl today.
legend and nova did get to sleep with me last night cuz i felt sorry for them...and with the lights out and everyone settled down for the night, they were both good. we did seperate them out again this morning but only for when they were in the house..apparently they both had a blast during the group field runs and nova dived head first into the pond. thank goodness legend didn't cuz he has in a ton of sutures!
tonka and lizzie's bloodwork was sent off and as it is not critical...that should be back by monday. chiefs blood work and urine spec was also sent off..will have to wait to see if he is hyperthyroid or possibly diabetic but in any case he badly needs another dental asap. he had an antibiotic injection to hold him while we wait and see if and when to book his dental surgery.
marvin is quite ill..his mouth is again a mess and this time his lymph nodes are all swollen too..tonight he is running a fever and he feels like crap. he did have an antibiotic injection and his bloodwork should be back by tomorrow...we are looking at his kidneys and liver before deciding what to do. he hasn't had a major mouth flare up since october but he sure is having one now.
caroline is holding her own..some improvement with the higher dose of injectible metacam but not as much as i would like to see.
everyone else seems to be doing ok today.