Rescue Journal

useless is sometimes good.

Carol  ·  Feb 24, 2012

it was my lucky day when jenn came on board to one else here is brave enough to boss me around! i called her and asked her to pick up some meds from the vets in maple ridge for me tomorrow on her way out...and while she had me on the phone (she is the volunteer coordinator) she told me tomorrow i am cleaning the medical room and the rabbits while she does the mp room side....her weekend warrior schedule will be evenly covered one way or another and her mother is just another available cog in the weekend warrior wheel.

whatever..i would much rather clean the bunnies and the medical room cats than dick around tryng to pay bills with money that isn't no one much goes in there so i can have some peace and quiet too!

today was ryan's last day so i took the staff out for lunch (just to clarify so there are no misunderstandings..i paid for this not saints..) anyway it was a nice way to send ryan off to greener pastures and for everyone to just relax for a bit (without a bunch of noisy and messy animals) and enjoy each others company.

but...sigh......another animal slave escapes.

most of the staff were done early so the animals and i had a good chunk of the afternoon to ourselves....since it was cold and crappy out...they napped...i had a hot bath...and then we watched shared a pretty useless late afternoon...

it was good.
