Rescue Journal

it was a bit of a rough night

Carol  ·  Jun 10, 2012

the spectra energy folks were here yesterday and did an amazing job! barn doors and fences were painted AND a big chunk of the side of the bottom field is sporting a brand new and great fence..yay for the spectra volunteers!!!!!

these volunteers have done some major and critical projects for us over the years...they created the bones from which we continue to grow...they were hard at work at the beginnings of the riding ring shelters, the shavings bin and the memorial garden and now in helping us re-fence the bottom field. this doesn't count the carrying of jeanette across the field and safely up to the riding ring (our downed and senior cow from a few years ago) or repainting all of the fences so many times....truly great, hard working and generous folks!

holly had a total of four seizures yesterday, the last one was at 2 am..she has recovered well from each but i can see now that her end of time with us is drawing near...her neuro disease is rapidly escalating.
manny, jazzy and odie all had an unsettled night..periodically awake and fussing...they all were pretty needy.

sigh..i was bagged before i went to bed and that hasn't really changed this morning. i am pretty sure my 5 early morning shifts that i have this week will finish me off completely just before i start my getting ready for the open house holidays.

one of the new cats isn't eating...i need to do something about that today too. the other is ready to come out of the cage but i needed to get her tested first.

the last thing we needed right now was more vet bills.i should start a vet bill freak out again but it is exhausting to be freaking out about so many things all at the very same time.
