Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Jun 13, 2012

i am becomng a sleep-a-holic.

i slept from 7pm last eve til 730 this morning with only a couple of brief had to get ups in between. i took an LOA without pay from work today...the schedule was really light with a couple of staff without any clients to see. it was a choice between an empty bank account or an emptier sleep account and i figured i needed to put an extra deposit in my sleep bank more than i needed the money. my finances may not actually agree.

the vets are coming to recheck czar and are going to look at gideon too and i really want to be here when they see gideon because i am worried sick about him.

i am going to just use this unexpected day off to do a few things i was having trouble getting cleanng and returning the pig transport crate to the spca out in chilliwack and going to see dixie in deroche, picking up the bigger size of post pounder in pitt meadows and walking jenn's foster boy bru while i am there and then returning the two too small post pounders i bought to maple ridge and abbotsford.

but not necessarily in that order..i will need to make an organized travel list of what i need to do in each community i drive thru today!

i guess today i will be all over the place but first i need to know what time the vet is coming cuz that is my real priority for today.

the kitchen feels pretty empty wihout holly wandering around and worrying me.

there are a couple of new pretty pathetic senior cats probably coming in from little cats lost (a TNR group in alberta.) this was also the group that sent us two other pretty pathetic senior cats....squeakers and hiyme (whose pathetic-ism has drastically decreased within maggie's loving foster care..well ok..maybe not..they are still pretty medically pathetic but pretty damn happily pathetic now.)

anyway, once it is a for sure thing and transport is arranged, i wil let you guys know.

the other two new cats...rascal and scooter (the ones that showed up in the driveway last friday) are both doing ok...rascal is eating everything in sight and scooter too has finally started eating. i will get them in for testing next week and then we can open their cages and see how they do in the cat communal room.

oh well i guess it is that time for me to start moving my butt into more productive things like driving all over the lower freaking mainland.
