Rescue Journal

slum princess

Carol  ·  Jan 1, 2013

mo couldn't get ellie out of the manure bin today...she found a pretty nice and soft and warm bed and she had no intention of moving. joy and emily were quite disconcerted by this cuz they like to climb in there and snack.
i do not quite understand any of their fascination with the whole dumpster diving thing when there is perfectly nice unused food and beds elsewhere... but then i am not a pig or a cow so what do i know?

big thankful yay for michelle getting started on barn bedtime before i got home or i would have been fumbling around in the dark.

those mp dogs are so freaking cute...max 1 is buzzing around with his toys, max 2 and pepper are bouncing with joy. georgia, brit and cooper are bouncing for food...and tess is barking to be acknowledged first....she is the first lady and really does deserve it.
i am not dinking around with chloe anymore..either she starts consistently eating or she is going back to the vets.
jazz has settled back in really well....bossy little baggins.
gracie, ted and twosey did not get their supper time run and follow us all around, it was starting to get dark by the time i got home and we had to get bedtime done. i am sure they will get out tomorrow with janice and lexie both here. they didn't seem to care all that much, all they wanted was their dinner.

i think that is pretty much all of the news around here on this very first day of a new year.
