Rescue Journal

random stuff

Carol  ·  Nov 16, 2014

it was a bit of a late and rushed barn bedtime but it all went really smoothly..thx so much chris and ashley for all of your help!

i am so not a fan of the whole time change makes it hard to get home from work before dark on the weekends when i am working. oh well considering how fast time flies around here..i will soon be complaining because the dry summer weather has emptied the well yet again.

each season in animal rescue has it's challenges..shit!..each day in rescue has it's challenges..what the heck was i thinking???

whatever..somedays just actually being is almost too big a challenge for me.

mika is pretty damn cute. when i came home for lunch she was just coming back from a walk...she was soooo happy to see me, you'd have thought i was gone from her for years and years! she really is a very sweet dog...with a very strong personality (kind of like me!) maybe that's why i like her so much..she is a grab life by the teeth and live it BIG kind of being.

some nice folks came to meet tia today..we will see what happens with this.

agnes really loves my bed..i fell asleep last night with her cuddled close and her snoring nose in my arm pit. i had to have her well padded underneath because sweet snoring aggy, leaks while she sleeps. but whatever..the padding worked so we were both happy.

next days off i need to scrub down the computer room walls..does not look they just got freshly painted a mere few months ago. plus i really need to get a lino quote to replace the torn up dog room these animals are hard on a house.

best friends
"we did not eat the floor"...hmmm..yes you guys did.

no real news today..which somedays is actually a really good thing. so we will just keep chugging along until my favorite time of the day arrives...bedtime for me!
