My Story

Meet Boo.

A year ago he was an emaciated stray cat dropped off at DCAS. He is sweet, calm, friendly and clearly gorgeous. So why was he not adopted? As Delta was soon to discover, Boo has an extremely sensitive gastrointestinal tract. Stress levels cause chaos in his internal system. He has a very strict diet and needs numerous medications and supplements to keep him healthy. IBD and cystitis can be difficult to manage. Over the past year the other shelter has put in the work and got Boo to the point he could handle a transfer. He needed a long term solution. SAINTS is a sanctuary, not a shelter. We pride ourselves on providing a loving home environment for our residents. So if animals like Boo never get a chance at a home of their own, that’s ok. They’ve got one with us.

Welcome Boo. We got you ❤️
