Rescue Journal

Thank God I have fluid ethics

Alison  ·  Sept 13, 2006

I got a call yesterday from a friend in rescue. She knew of a guy who was moving with 3 rabbits loose in his back yard. He was willing to give one away, she asked about the others but apparently he wanted to kill and eat 2 of them, so she called me. I have some pretty strong ethics and almost always i will pick right over wrong, except where suffering occurs. i told her to offer him $50 for all three of the rabbits and I would pay her back. I was just heading off to bed an hour ago after a long 13 hour day at work when I realized I hadn't listened to the messages. One of them was from my friend, "your rabbits are there, call me" The rabbits are WHERE? is pissing down rain outside and freaking dark, I called her back but there was no answer so I went looking. I found them in the dark in carriers in the carport. I set up cages in the store room and made them as comfy as I could on short notice. I moved the grey one who looked pretty good into a cage by himself because the note said he was male. The 2 white females were squished up against the back of their carrier and looked like one big dirty white rabbit. I opened their door to let them into their new cage and out hopped the first, she was pretty thin, out fell the second and I started to cry. She was emaciated, never in all my years of rescue i have I seen such a skeletal rabbit. There is something wrong with her back legs, I don't know what, I just know that they are twisted. She is covered with bloody urine and she crept across the cage to lay her face against the bars where the grey male was eating. That bastard who had those rabbits can have his 50 bucks, I would have paid him a thousand for them and I don't care that it is wrong to pay these horrible people to get their animals away from them. And I hope to God that one day they realize the horror of what they have done. That poor, sick rabbit suffered for a long, long time to look like she does and for no other reason than because a human had the legal right to own her, and neglect her, and eat her if he wanted to or even sell her because he could.

To the saints volunteers, she needs to go to the vet tomorrow if possible, can anyone get her to one? i am working another 12 hour dayshift. If not, I can get her in on friday.



well i was thinking temporary too til nicole pointed out the continuing slight mold problem in the ex-grow op room...we are going to have to gut that area, so i am back to enclosing/insulating the carport area.


You go for it ... I was thinking really temporary... nothing we would need Steve for.


well you better be quick cuz i have already called mike, our handy guy...he is coming 6 pm tonight before i leave for work to give us an estimate.


Holy Cow I was awake for hours last night thinking the exact same thing... I have ideas in my head & was going to talk to you this week-end.


i slept in late in anticipation of my night shift i have yet to move myself out to the barn or the new rabbit room...i am thinking about it tho. i had a hard time falling to sleep because since the new guys are already out there, i was trying to design a new/ temporary rabbit area for all of them in my head last was hard because i could not remember the measurements of that room! we already have all the thick rubber stall mats, just need a few more xpens, and maybe that area will be bigger and nicer for all of them til we can afford the real/final super-duper bunny area. we can heat it in the winter with a portable heater...i am thinking and re-visiting bunny options. input for/from any and all would be appreciated.


Lisa said that a lurcher is any kind of cross bred "long dog" eg, deerhound/greyhound (thats what Lisa had), whippet/Bedlington terrier....
how are the bunnies today?


Poor bunkins! hopefully all will turn out well for them. Carol, I still have the cage you leant me, the one thats about 2x3ft. I will bring it back for you.


Carol, I have an x-pen you are welcome to use for a while - I only use it when I travel with Charley.
It is in the garage part of my barn - just help yourself tomorrow. It's higher than the ones in the bunny room - don't know if that matters or not.


i did talk to the vet this afternoon on my break...she said one of her kidneys might be humour me, we are putting her on antibiotics while we see how she does with regular food and water...all 3 of them drank a ton during the night, I filled their bowls again this morning and eva left a note that she did it again this afternoon so i think they were all dehydrated...i will pick up the meds tomorrow...thx mo! i appreciate you getting her in, we will probably look at more invasive diagnostics next week if she doesn't perk up over the weekend. i guess i better go buy a couple of more xpens, they probably would like a bigger space to move around in.

oh and lisa..what is a lurcher called over here? i read about them in books but am never sure...i sort of think they are like a wolfhound maybe??? good on you for being bad and buying him too! i can never bring myself to actually steal them altho i won't judge those that do (it is my middle america wasp upbringing, never steal, never beg and never look for a free ride (this might be why i get uncomfortable when people offer us donations and i tell them not too, sheila, this would be my parents fault, not mine!!!) anyway,  i just keep offering money til they fork them over, then we own them legally just like the stupid property  laws say. we really gotta work on changing the laws and making them better, maybe next year if we can find some time?


We don't know whats wrong, the vet couldn't find anything ( no x-rays or lab work was done ) her teeth & mouth look O.K. and although she holds her back right leg at a odd angle, she does use it & the vet could not feel anything. But she was totally lethargic & did not struggle at all...which the vet said makes her think there is something seriuosly wrong. They gave her some fluids & she peed as soon as she was back in the carrier ( pee looked clear ). So she suggested to watch her for a few days & see if she is eathing & pooping o.k. and then if we decide ,perhaps do some blood work . Gracie is a real sweet girl , but I don't think this is good.

I can't believe that people can simply just watch an animal practically disintergrate in front of them & do nothing. The other 2 rabbits look good... so how could he just let her shrink away to skin & bones.. Shame , shame shame on him .


Julie is right! Some people are a waste of oxygen! When we rescued my old lurcher dog off the council estate years ago I paid £10 (about $20) for him. He too was skeletal, but I didnt want to leave him or argue about ownership. He lived to be between 19 and 21 despite being starved. Sometimes you just have to pay the evil so and sos to save the animal. Good luck Carol to you and big hugs to all the children!


More proof as to why i think most people are a waste of oxygen. They are safe now and that is what's most important. I hope they can make wee Gracie well again.


thx guys...i just talked to mo, bunny covered for vet check. mo, you get to name her.


Carol, if H&D do rabbits, I'll do it. If bunny has to go to Eastridge, Mo will do it. Hopefully you will either check your messages or read this blog within the next very short while! LOL


Jean if you can do it, I'll go into work & save my vacation time ... I'll try calling you


Carol I've called in & asked for the day off work, I'll take her in . I've left you a message on your voicemail.


Carol, if no one else can do it I could drop her off at Hill n Dale on my way to work at 9:00 or so; wouldn't be able to pick her up until about 5 or 5:30 - it's my long day.

Judy B

What a horrible man! May Hell runneth over with people like this cause there's no room anywhere else for them.