Looks like Honey's ( the cat) bloodsugars are out of whack...i don't know if she is high or low so I am not giving her any insulin this morning and have gotten some glucose into her this morning...she can be a drop off and leave her there to Hillndale vet and I will call and leave them a message to expect her and with the info on her and my cell number....thx in advance whoever can get her in...she needs to be a priority and get in to the vet this morning please.
update on honey...she is on IV's...the vet did xrays and bloodwork....kidneys and liver enlarged (probably was pre-existing before her arrival but the added stress of a new environment at her age certainly did not help.) her bloodsugars are around 17, high but not out of this world. she is not a well cat, but we will see how she is in a couple of days after the IV therapy has had a chance to rehydrate her and what her bloodwork has to say.