The difference between the dogs at SAINTS and the people at SAINTS
Jean · Nov. 26, 2006
The dogs love the snow.
The people think it is pretty when there is 6", challenging when there is 12", and downright horrible when there is two feet, its wet and heavy, it totally destroys the chicken run by breaking the boards and ruining the chicken wire, the barnyard animals get ornery, your clothes are soaked, your hands are freezing, and you can't even get a pizza delivered 'cuz the roads are totally impassable now.
Carol says I have to write up the blog for our adventures today. That's the best I can do right now because I need a warm bath, a glass of scotch, and something warm and yummy to eat.
I did take pictures - this morning when there was only a foot of snow. I am too friggin cold and wet to take more. I'll download the pics later and get Nicole to post some of them. I took 184 pictures up there today!!!
Oh, and the snow is still coming down thick and furious, and the temperature is supposed to drop way down for the next few days, and the roads are already a sheet of ice.
Holy cr*p, the dozer that was plowing in front of my house has just slid right off the road and overturned in the ditch!!
The dozer driver is okay. I just heard the winds are supposed to pick up - apparently it is now white out conditions in the valley between Abby and Chilliwack. I hope the people who brought the two new cats down from Ashcroft get home safely. I just heard on the radio that the police have said NO travelling on ANY roads in this area unless it is an emergency.