well...it is a challenge being home. in more ways than i can count but i wouldn't trade here for anywhere else so i guess that says something about me (like i am crazy)....i am compiling a list of absolute neccessities for a disabled person to survive in a leaky, animal shelter...like paper towels you can actually reach. a light poop and scooper and a broom and dustpan with a handle. a little wheel chair friendly bucket with wheels would be nice too.
and before anyone starts nagging on me...i only want them to clear a path to the tea kettle, the bathroom, my pain meds, the computer and the couch until the troops arrive. cuz the dogs and cats here suck at "fetch"...in fact they are pretty damn good at stopping me dead in my tracks...deaf dogs don't hear "move sweetie, comin thru"...they see a body up close and right in front of them and a lap stationary enough to hold a head. i had a bit of a 4 am crises in the hallway, outside the bathroom....i really had to go and norton thought we had all the time in the world.
maudie spent most of the evening convincing me that i really wanted to go to bed...when she finally succeeded, she was very gentle with her feet whacking but apparently it was imperative to get in just a few for old times sake.
i have learned that dogs and cats are not afraid of wheelchairs, which is a huge burden of responsibility for me. they kind of remind me of the barn animals surrounding my slowly inching forward van, utterly clueless as to the dangers of moving vehicles with me in at the wheel. anyway, so far o have managed not to roll over anyone, but it is a l;ittle bit stress inducing.
i have learned that worried daughters will start phoning at 7 am and if the cell phone is out of reach, they both will keep phoning over and over til i finish in the bathroom and find that silver little nosiy sucker, which takes quite awhile because of the many varied, and interesting obstacles in my way.
and i have learned that if at great effort, you make your morning tea, way too sweet, you will drink it anyway because making it again is just not an option.
I can't offer much support from where I am at the moment Carol, except that we are thinking of you and hoping you heal quickly. As for those darn critturs getting in the way, I am forever tripping over these rescue Persians of mine.... They are just little lovebugs with no sense at all, except that they can recognise a good 'un!!! Hugs, Lisa