Rescue Journal

disabled day 11

Alison  ·  Jan 25, 2007

so i got to skip that whole next stage, light fiber glass cast thing cuz my swelling was down (i am such a good patient!)...they took out half my sutures (i am not going back next week for the rest, i will take the remainders out myself) and went straight into the air boot. it stays on for another month (no weight bearing, sigh) and then i can take it off to do ROM excercises a couple of times a day. so this is good.

my daughter took me to look at mobility machines, i want "The Mule 610!!!!" OMG, we can haul hay and feed and water when it is frozen (or we run out), we could move the fallen wounded (if someone were to fall wounded, while down in the lower pasture (human or animal) and we could give full mobile tours to disabled people just like me...... it is a 4x4 so we can move around in the snow or in the mud, we can haul up to a 1000 pound trailer. we can fill up the box with manure and tilt it with a push of a button to any manure pile we wanted to create in any far corner of our little world. AND it has a roll bar so i can't break my neck too! what a great machine, i drove it today around the parking lot and am in love. sadly, it costs $9000 so maybe i should love something a little bit cheaper instead.

Trev is home from the vets, he is at one end of the couch sleeping with a pillow and maudie is at the other end of the couch with my other pillow and they both look pretty freaking comfortable if you ask me. maudie had a complete cow when i got home tonight, apparently, i am NOT allowed to leave here anymore or ever again.

miss mable may is having an overnight at the vets while they wait for her bloodwork to come back, they are quite concerned at the amount of bleeding she is having from her urethra. and dex goes into the vet tomorrow for his "look and see", i am not sure what i am hoping for but i am hoping it is the lesser of 2 evils whatever that may be.

spritely's leg is getting bad again so i drove over to the barn and jean held her while i bathed her hock in an iodine solution and we upped her meds just for tonight. please spritely, don't let it get too bad, and stop running you goof!

AND...i drove my van today! yahoo, i am no longer a complete captive to the house.


Chris T

OH no!!! Carol has been freed from the confines of SAINTS!! Look out!!


i have been thinking about what i might need to tackle the actual stall cleanings...i am sure it will come to me eventually. sigh, i have lot's of time to think and plot my next move towards independance.


With freedom comes responsibility, darn well better not overdo things cuz if you re-injure yourself you're on your own!!!

But it was nice to see you smiling and laughing again and back to keeping an eye on the barnguys.

So do you think you could muck out the stalls for me tomorrow?