after i fed the two confined cats their canned food this morning, i decided to be proactive and put chicklet in the other room. this was to prevent a massive, cat-stress inducing frenzy when she realized food was here but not accessible to her.
she stood at the wire and wagged that tail as very fast as she could. i am sure she was saying "come on, let me in, i am cute and sweet and good."
but while she was waiting she just couldn't be sure that this was the best way to go, so the whole entire time her tail was wagging and she transmitting happy thoughts, she was gnawing on the wire to break thru on her own.
i am really starting to love this dog, i adore giants in hiding.
and mr tom thumb, who has food issues of his own and will take off any nose or finger between him and his chow. is just as darn cute and adorable and sweet and just as much a pain in the butt. this morning when i finally got out of bed, i looked over to see how he was. and he was stretched out like he owned the world with his tiny head underneath my pillow, just like a lazy little hobbit who isn't ready to wake up yet. he moaned and groaned when i made him get up, but i had to do it cuz if i i didn't, in 22 seconds he would have pee'd. sweet and cute only lasts a minute around here, you got to grab it while you can.
tyra's ear is quite sore still, and so are michael's joints and maudie is finally back to herself. i had a quick visit with the barn guys this morning and took them all out an apple before i leave for work in a bit. they liked that alot, a surprise early treat in bed. i hope they don't think it will be a regular thing, i just wanted to see them before i left.
i want to get chicklet a blue sweater so i can sing that song to her for fun..."devil with the blue vest on"...i bet she likes that cuz everyone needs their very own song.
we have lot's of songs mutated "mr. ed"," how much is that piglet in the window, the one with the waggiest tail...?" "my bonnie lies over the ocean", "breathe, just breathe" (phoebe's song) "desperado" for dixie, to name just a few...apparently singing is good for the soul.