maude has a mammory tumour, the vets will do xrays to see if it has spread to her lungs.
copper initiated maria and francesca on the joys of being saints volunteers. they temporarily lost him and were really upset. i am not sure if they believed me that a lost copper is normal around here. he is home and fine.
nudge had a poop 2 days in a row and all on her own (with a little of carol's mega colon cocktail to help things along). so far no need for enema's which makes us both very happy...what a very good girl. keep up the good work nudge!
the stuff that greg tore out of the garage has been picked up and taken away to the dump, the driveway looks so very much better with all that crap gone somewhere else and so does the garage too!
little marcus has a slight case of conjunctivitis and ear mites too. the vets will treat him before he goes home to mo's tonight and send him along with some meds. they all think he is just as cute as we do. he will be even cuter now that he is neutered! what a doll.
ok time is a wasting and phebers is having a fit cuz i left her outside. i don't know why that dog just can't suffer in silence, most everyone else out there with her is quiet on this very sunny and lovely day. she is a toad.
I'm assumming the question about getting out more is retorichal (s/p) look forward to seeing ya on Saturday !