Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  May 17, 2007

tom is rolling around on the kuranda bed cuz he is happy and feels really good.

the new guys are looking sad in my bathroom, staring at me thru the open door. their bed takes up the entire floor and i want a bath tonight so this ought to be fun. maudie is asleep on the cat room couch, so much for living in the dog room. lexie and tyra can come back in the kitchen as soon as they dry off from their swim (bad tyra) and they both said my new plan is stupid.

and bonnie and i are working on a possible adoption for her with what i think is the home of her dreams. they are away this weekend, and i am busy with mon-fri 8 hours shifts plus all of the work here when i get home, next we all have to wait til the 28th to meet and greet and see if this is THE one. ah well there is no rush because if this is right, it will be right forever.

a hot bath, and maybe a movie while i catch up on the laundry from today, that sounds like a good way to finish tonight.



on a scale of 1-10, bonnie is a pain on a scale of one. (as compared to phoebe who is an eleven or twelve...see the upcoming post) forget the scottish accent, i can barely get my words out as it is.


Hi Carol,

That would be great if Bonnie gets this new home. I was sorry to hear she's being a pain with the cats. I think her introduction to them was Frodo in the Oh, maybe you have found this out already, but she always responded well to "Bonnie! GO LAY DOWN"... if you can say it in a Scottish accent, even better :)

Thank you so much for saving her, I think about you guys all the time.



I know how hard today was for you, Carol. I hope that you did choose to watch a movie and give yourself a little time to refresh your spirit. You need to come for dinner and Mo both, we'll feed your body and heal your wounded heart with laughter.