Rescue Journal

tough day at saints

Carol  ·  May 18, 2007

i was away to a funeral for most of today and more concerned about other things than saints. i have been struggling this week on how little time i have to invest with my friends and family. it sucks.

anyway, i turned off the cell phone before the service began because saints didn't belong in that moment.

when i checked the messages on my way home, i knew there was trouble awaiting me. eva's voice sounded hurt and upset and she didn't answer the phone when i called back.

well it was a couple of things that upset her and she wasn't alone in that either. both jack and monty are really upset and all three of them had a really hard day.

people forget that phoebe is phoebe and she has her moments from hell. for whatever reason drove her which no one knows, she flipped out on jack in the kitchen. jack is ok, she has a small cut on her lip, she was scared more than anything else. but eva was hurting from her jack being subjected to the red whirling fiend's utter rage. ahhh phoebe, what am i going to do with you?

monty was beat up by cuddles today. which took eva by surprize since cuddles is so very quiet. but there is a toughness and lack of compassion that shines out of his eyes. leave him alone and don't piss him off and cuddles won't cause too much trouble, but get in his way and you better just run cuz you may not finish the day. poor little monty is crouched in the upper corner and afraid to move an inch. i fed him some treats and told him it was over and just keep away from the white cat with the scary eyes. cuddles is 16 years old, he has had alot of time to learn to be nasty., monty is no match for the gladiator.

the trouble with saints is that most of the time everyone gets along very well so it is assumed that they are always good. but these are real living and breathing creatures and they are not always nice. nice is for a perfect world with lifetimes of perfect moments. the saints struggle like the rest of us to be the very best that they can. and once in awhile they have a bad day and then they are jerks.

oh well, i love the little beasts even if they are little bastards sometimes.

i will try to get everyone settled and forget their horrible day cuz i am going back down to my friend's house later and the saints are just going to have to chill til i get back.

has anyone seen the rescue remedy, it seems to be hiding somewhere? oh and i am posting new rules regarding phoebe when i am away, and why the heck is tom limping?
