today promises not to be a fun day. i am stuck at the desk with the phones at two least favorite jobs. but we all take our turns so oh well, it is only for 3 days. there has been some discussion lately about modifying my duties and keeping me on the desk for the next few weeks because of the swelling in my ankle. ha ha, good luck. if i wasn't being a good little patient when i wss in a wheelchair and my ankle was actually broken, i wouldn't expect too much cooperation now when it is technically healed. i sent an email out saying i was ignoring my ankle until my next xrays in a few weeks. if the xrays are good, then i am fine and able to do my job on my feet and not at a stupid desk. do i look like a desk jockey?
the next few days will be tough here too because while the barn and the bunnies are covered, the rest of the guys aren't. oh well again, we will survive and figure it out but it will be a good thing when those pitties move on to their permanent rescue, less work, less field runs, more time for other things.
i need to look at my priorities and quit letting beautiful sweet faces facing deathrow infuence my decisions. i really need to get the numbers down here to a more managable level but geez it is hard when knowing the consequences of just saying no. too many in need, too few to help...isn't that the way it is with all good endeavors?
i would like a world with people standing around and lining up to help and having to wait til someone who needs assistence can actually be found. wouldn't that be nice? we could play cards, or do crafts, or gossip about everyone else while we were standing around just waiting. ok, that sounds boring.
time to get moving and face the phone at work which is only slightly less irritating than answering the phone around here.
well i think you taking caro is a great idea when trish passes (i think he should be with her when she goes so he knows)...except, caro is a boy and i think you want another female, altho we could just tell milo and michael that caro is a girl. maybe they won't figure it out.