i didn't really bother before because 2 were leaving right away and it is a whole different kettle of fish introducing 3 pitties than it is just one. the three give each other confidence and they can feed off each other too. today jolie is quiet and sad and wondering where her good friends went. it is the perfect time to introduce her to the rest of the guys which i took full advantage of. we have had a good long field run, and an even longer lounging around on the grass. bill was the only one who really wanted to play with her and he is so old he needs to play standing still...that kind of confused her a bit.
now the door to her room is open to the kitchen and me and she is starting to wander a bit. i hope she cheers up in a day or so and i hope brie and george are doing ok tonight too.
i am very glad she is doing well with all the other animals. she is still my fav. of the three. sweet sweet girl. hopefully she gets better soon and can go to her own foster home too.
I think it is a great idea to have old pitties carol. old pitties are the best. they just keep getting better if that is possible.