just a quick note on caro and how he is managing trish's loss
Carol · Jul 25, 2007
so far ok...he slept curled up in my arms and is followimng me around this morning. he is at this moment standing at my feet and occasionally licking my leg.....oooops...correction, he is now standing on my lap and licking my hand. he is a timid little guy and seems to need someone big to make him feel safe...trish is not here so i am the next best thing. sweet boy. we will see how he does over the next few days.
thank gawd max is getting neutered today, he is eating my walls and i just had them repaired...he will be happier with the other dogs, soon max, another couple of days so please ease up on the walls, they won't open no matter what you do so quit picking new spots to try!
Poor little guy !
It must be so hard for him !! He must wonder where little Trish has gone, especially as they have been together for 15 years.
Do please give him a big hug from me.