Rescue Journal

and the next project is on

Carol  ·  Aug. 20, 2007

greg is prepping the garage and the stalls for the cement pouring tomorrow am. i have the horses feed buckets, halters, and tie up's all set up for their first night ever outside the barn. they will be out til wednsday.

once that floor for the multi-purpose room is poured and the front windows and doors are framed in, then we can pick away at the rest as time and money allows. the basics are being provided by the abbotsford foundation grant we received for capital improvements.

greg has already located the 2nd septic tank and laid the pipes so hook up to the septic system for the grooming area ought to be fairly easy. and he will gut out that rotten side room tomorrow where the eventual grooming center and handicapped accessible wash room will be.

i thought we were all done with the major projects for this year but apparently not. but oh it is going to be so great once we have that grooming area and the multi-purpose room to work with too.

and saints keeps marching on.
