steve (the vet) told me it was like the 8th time he had treated jeanette for going down over the past 10 years. he said she is the oldest (and nicest) but most stubborn cow in the valley when it came to deciding she can't get up and is now sadly dying. by yesterday morning she had bloated so much, she really looked more like a cow who had swallowed the moon. he showed me how to pinch her nose and pull her ear with someone else yarding away on her tail, all at the same time to make her get up as far as her chest. it looked mean but hey it worked and she did get back up to her chest. and then she started burping. OMG, if i had struck a match under her chin, she could have been a flaming dragon for awhile. and steve pushed on her belly and that gas just kept coming and you could see her start to instantly feel better.
i learned alot yesterday. like more ways to help jeanette. like brutal days and nights that seem to have no end, can and do sometimes end in the warm glow of a soft and golden light.
and i learned that not only is ellie mae a beautiful pink pig princess but she can make small miracles happen just by stopping by. (i will remember ellie and her magical powers, next time jeanette decides she is down and will never be able to get up again)