So I've been told I'm falling behind on adding new photos. so here they are. There's loads. Going through them all made me miss Michael, he was so wonderful.
Please enjoy laughing at Carol chasing Ellie around playing dress up the pig. There are loads of photos of Jeanette and Percy because they look so cute together.
We have two wonderful fundraisers in November being put on by some supporters:
The first:
the Kobe retrospective 1998 - 2005
Charity Art Show to benefit SAINTS
This is a one night showing of pieces honouring the late Akita Kobe and Theo. There will be refreshments, and limited edition commemorative-print tote bags for sale. Everything raised will go to SAINTS
Saturday, November 10, 2007 Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: HEADQUARTER - 1232 BURRARD ST (and Davie)
The tote bags will also be available at SAINTS (I think), but I will post more info on that later.
The second fundraiser is:
Vancouver hairstylists are having a hair 'cut-athon' (for humans!) to raise money for SAINTS
The 'cut-athon' will be at Zootz Hair Studio at 2108 West 4th Ave., Vancouver on Sunday 11th November from 10am to 5pm.
Come with clean hair, get a professional haircut, make a donation to S.A.I.N.T.S.. Don't need a haircut? Come give us a donation in cash or kind anyway!
Info at or call 604 990 6665.
I LOVE that pic of Ellies pink butt wrapped in a blanket!