Rescue Journal

carol had another great idea

Carol  ·  Dec 30, 2007

i have asked nicole to set up a simple discussion forum on our site. i would like a place where someone like jenine (who i suspect is a fellow rescuer can come and share her exhaustion and is currently waiting for approval for her comment to show up) and a place where linda can talk about the trials and triumphs of the pahrump cats or ask about the americats, and where mo can post about feeding edith macdonalds hash browns and tammy can convince the rest of us that phoebe is cute, and deb and chris can post pictures of their fuzzy family friends, where SARS can post a fundraiser or TG can ask for a home check, a place where a newbie can ask a question and learn from the rest of us. ...a place that is not dependent upon what ever i am posting but whatever other people would like to talk about, without borders...east, west, north or south. the first post will have to be approved to cut back on spam and you don't have to register but you do have to use your real first name.

and there will 3 absolute firm rules...i am too lazy to write out full terms of use.

1. it will be non political

2. it will be about positive sharing, growth and learning

3. it will never be used in any way to hurt another person for any reason.

are you guys interested?


Stan~Turtle Gardens

I think it's a great idea !!!!! I don't belong to any discussion group or have ever been motivated to join one till now. I still have much to learn and a safe place to ask questions and receive honest answers is to cool. I would like to offer to help any way I can we have a server with lots space and all sorts trial of web sites like and other stuff that just needs a little TLC to get them up and running I am sorry tho I don't have a lot of spare time (lots of hands on fur things to do) but I will do my best Cheers Stan

Yvette~Turtle Gardens

That is a great idea!! I actually need two homechecks in Victoria for Bambi and Tiguak. A safe place to share ideas - we all have a lot to learn. Thanks Carol!

Chris T

Given my recent foray into the medical establishment where hoof prints did not equal horses but in fact did equal zebra prints this may go on for a while!


I've noticed in life that often, the greatest things start with a fluke ... : - )


I think Phoebe has gone way, way past being cute. She is the most beautiful and perfect dog that I have had the pleasure of meeting. Of course I am a cat person at heart so falling in love with Phoebe was some sort of fluke to begin with.


<i>If Chris sees hoof prints, she looks for a zebra</I>

lol - I think she's probably looking for a unicorn!


If Chris sees hoof prints, she looks for a zebra. I think rule #3 is pretty basic....if you want to play in this sandbox, you have to play nicely.


lol that is because you are fresh from the war zone you are suffering from PTSS.

Chris T

Deb interpreted your rule 3 the same way you did. I am the one out to lunch on the interpretation. Sounds good to me!


i think i meant that posters would not use the forum to hurt another.
i don't think we need to worry too much about who is going to do what with the forum...if the rules are followed, it should remain a safe positive place as it was intended.
i don't want to do a closed board, it fosters negativity and not nice behavior, closed doors can hide things that you don't neccessarily want others to see.

Chris T

Sounds like a good plan. Good rules. I am concerned about #3 though because you could never police that. If it is a public forum than anyone can see what is posted. If it is private you have no way of knowing who is who in the zoo and who might use something at a later date.