i am freezing cold, soaking wet and covered in hay.....the barn animals are not in much better shape. i truly hate this weather. at lunch time there were not too many barn animals in sight so i went looking for them...shelter 1 had 3 horses and a goat, shelter 2 had 2 cows, i pig and a goat and shelter 3 had 3 sheep and a llama (and that was the biggest shelter too!) and tunie had the whole barn to herself...she looked dry and not so miserable.
i got mugsy's little buddy away from him today..he is still in the icky doorless room looking to see if he accidently misplaced him. i do hope he comes back into the house tonight, so far he is still saying "no" and "get away from here, i have a friend over...somewhere."
well, the only things left tonight are laundry, meds and pissing off little miss sunshine...she is a messy eater and has canned food smeared all over the bathroom cupboard...guess who is getting booted out of there for a few minutes while i scrub it down? that ought to get her right back to hating me.
raymond is starting to look so good, which means that whoever had him before wasn't just ignoring an old sick dog that needed medical care, they were simply not feeding him, period. poor boy...imagine being confined by chain or kennel and just left to slowly starve.
once a starved dog, always a starved dog...these dogs need 24 hour a day access to food for the rest of their lives just to feel safe.
the world is full of such utter bastards...most of them aren't intentionally cruel, just freaking lazy....too much work to go buy the food, too much work to pour it in a bowl and carry it out to them.
i think laziness is the world's greatest evil. it causes more trouble and heartache than all the acts of intentional cruelty combined.
I see both lazyness, willfull ignorance, and sometimes real ignorance to the neglected condition of some dogs that come into my shop. You right people do seem to think its perfectly alright. I will never understand how much lack of empathy people have.