boom boom and the Americat and multipurpose room videos
Nicole · Feb. 8, 2008
some more pictures of Boomer and here is the contact info again
The following link is Boomer’s petfinder page
When Boomer first came to the house he wouldn’t come out of the back room. These are photos from the first day he actually kept out on his very own.
Boomer first venture out into the “big†part of the house
All the stuff Boomer dragged into the back room and I piled up and took a picture of
Boomer trying to see if some of this stuff tastes good
Boomer trying to see if some of this other stuff tastes good
Boomer not sure what to do know that all his stuff is taken away
Also here are some videos (let them fully load before you click play)
The first is of the newly finished multipurpose room
and the second is of the Ameri-Cats.
ok, i'm going to save it in a different program, but not tonight as i'm going out to watch hockey. i will try posting it tomorrow.