he wasn't our dog, we had no legal rights but i said he could stay here because i hoped folks would do right. apparently not.
frank is just another victim of human political gain. so while the humans jockey for their power and position, frank can live at risk and i can spend the rest of my life worrying about him, that's fair. i hope someone gained alot from this, besides my tears and his pain.
self serving politics and selfishness kills and harms more animals than actual abuse or neglect. humans climb their lofty ladders and the rungs are made of hearts and souls. but we pretend we don't know this, we pretend we are innocent, we pretend that this is about the animals...well it is cuz the animals get hurt when we use them to climb even higher.
and in the end, who sacrificed frank today? i did, because i did not know how to stack the deck in his favor and i did decide to let him go.
i am sorry frank, you shouldn't have trusted me. you should never trust any of us, as a species, we are just too messed up to get it right. next time you see a human, don't let them save you, just run for your life.
frank will be the second dog sacrifced this week that i know of to meet the needs of humans. it's a dogs life, and it sucks. never be born again as a dog.
I think what people are asking you is how did Frankie come to Saints? What is his history? Why did anyone want to take him back when he was doing so well at Saints? What will happen to him now. Why did they disrupt Saints in the first place to only disrupt again to a bad result? Goe I am sorry for Frankie as all I think of is the fun he was having in the mp room the other day and the joy he brought all of us that were there. Eva