Rescue Journal

say a prayer for nicole today

Carol  ·  Jun 3, 2008

honey is quite ill and nicole is teetering on the edge looking down on another huge fall. no need to pray for honey, god already answered her prayer...he gave her nicole to love her and that is all she ever did need. we love you nicole. stay well as long as you can honey cuz we all love you too.


Eva Stock

Nicole I am so proud of you in that handicaps are not a barier for you when it comes to animals and kindness is your fortier. I was thrilled when you took sweet honey home and I found her to be a rock and a sweet dog at the same time. God bless you both and I pray she will get better. All the best. Eva


nicole know that we are all thinking of you andwa are so glad honey had you in her life. whatever happens you gave her the best she had.take care


I have had the pleasure of going to Nicole's and seeing Honey in her home environment. Dogs have no concept of tomorrow and all her todays with Nicole have been what Honey wanted and needed. Remember that, Nicole.

Chris T

Take care Nicole. I always had a soft spot for Honey. I was so happy when you adopted her.


A Nicole, I'm so sorry you are facing another devastating loss in your family. You're strong, so you'll make it through, but I'm so sad that one as young and caring and decent as you must handle another passing.

Honey, you sweet, beautiful girl; help your Mama during this difficult time. She needs you as much as you have needed and loved her all these wonderful months you have been a family.