he was seizuring again this morning about an hour after his breakfast. i talked to the vet and we are starting him on phenobarb as this is the third seizure in only a week (that we know of). i will be dropping him off at the vets tomorrow on my way to work and he will spend the day with them so they can decide what and if any tests or alternate treatments that maybe we should do. i am so glad he had such a good day at the open house and so many people were so kind and loving with him cuz i think we are quickly losing a battle here that none of us are ready to lose. oka is the very sweetest and kindest dog but he really is having a difficult time and he is starting to spin out of control faster than we can help him. i can't even describe to you what it feels like to hold his giant gentle rotti head so trustingly in your arms, suffice it to say that he is a GREAT, GREAT, GREAT dog.
squeakers is not doing well, the vets have tried all of the different types of insulin. they even ordered in a brand-new type that is specifically formulated for difficult to control humans. colleen said they would go to the end of this new vial and keep trying to up to theraputic dose, but he currently is on a very large dog dose and still not getting any control. she said if they can't get him controlled, he will need to be put down cuz we can't leave him suffering week after week with blood sugars way above 30...too much damage is happening to him from the disease now.
coco puff is also going to the vet early wednsday morning on my way to work. she is just going in for a recheck and to reassure me that all is still well and she is continuing to heal.
and finally i will need to get off work early on wednsday cuz i am taking jewel in at 4 pm too and then i can bring coco home. that mass on her face is getting bigger and i am thinking we should just surgically remove and biopsy the thing. not that jewel will be a good patient, i am going with her cuz i expect her to be a total drama queen hag in there and will probably need me to help keep her under some kind of non hysterical control. geez that dog is a prime prima donna.
carl is still upset. and the sheep are still happy to be without him. i need to get a hold of our llama groomers and talk about him to them. they are great llama people and have lot's of knowledge and experience to share.
soooo, no great news on any front tonight, just a bunch of animals i am worried about. this week is looking like a very long week til friday...i wish i had days off before the weekend.
new incoming...a senior large mixed breed northern dog whose owner is now homeless and unable to care for him anymore. unfortunately someone said he has wolf in him so he is unacceptable as an admission to the public shelters. any wolf hybrid whether truly hybrid or not is automatically refused or euthanized because true hybrids are unpredictable at best. so sad cuz real hybrids are not very common...just cuz someone is told or believes a dog has wolf in it does not make it necessarliy true...but it makes it easier to make money or garner prestige from large mixed breed northern dog puppies like dime a dozen mutt malamutes and mixed breed huskies IF you say it is part wolf.
too bad folks don't know that stick some poor muttly beast with an untrue tag like "part wolf" and that dog is forever at risk if it ever enters the shelter system.... dogs with any wolf in them (proven or not) are not adopted out.
anyway...saints welcomes "jack" on this coming weekend and thanks to the shelter staff for calling and asking if they could pass on our number to save this dog from an unfair (and probably unneeded) and unhappy fate. you better damn well be a very good dog jack, cuz we are freaking full!
i can also come up if you need me i am not back at work yet