Rescue Journal

shitty day at saints

Carol  ·  Dec 23, 2008

i hauled a grand total of 1500 pounds of feed today, i did a big dump run cuz we over used our bin, and i had the truly not great pleasure of hauling 8 stinky garbage bags full of saints laundry to and from the laundrymat...why you ask? because i broke the freaking washing machine by overstuffing the sucker. major big and stupid ooops.

star ended up with a draining hotspot under her winter coat... so now she has to go coatless until we can clear it up.

but the real freaking gawd awful drag of all time today is....bridgette has started developing pneumonia. while we have been religiously turning her, we haven't been getting her up and walking enough...been waiting on her wheelchair and i let us wait far too long. she still feels ok, eating and drinking and no temperature but her chest is absolutely full and i was horrified when i listened with my stethescope at how much fluid is in there.
i have started her on baytril and am waiting for a return call from the vet with a dose of lasix for her too. i have her booked into the clinic at 9 am but am worried that if we get that huge dump of snow, i may not be able to get her in...the clinics are closed xmas day, boxing day...thank god one of our vets saw her here last week and can give orders over the phone to last until i can get her in.

i will get her up and moving in a walking sling morning and night and the staff can get her up twice while they are here too and that with the antibiotics and lasix should clear out her chest until the wheelchair finally gets here.

all in all today, with a truthful and honest self evaluation....i freaking well suck.

oh and i forgot...phoebe was an utter hag today and bit lane when he went to say hi to her while she was curled up in a shelf...she sucks big time too.



the coat keeps too much heat in and her skin is at risk for more but i could switch her to an inside t-shirt and cut an air hole in that.... good idea...thx.


I'm sure you have tried this before>>>>>
If it is only one "hotspot", what about cutting a
hole in the coat????


you should have phoned me or elaine about the laundry. leave it and i will pick up some on christmas morning.


bridgette's cart is on order. it'll be delivered by ups and i think it should be within 6 days (hopefully less) as the cheaper shipping was 6-10days, but the one i chose didn't say how quick.