it is all done...every floor, every bed, every litter box and bowl is clean. i filled all the food and waters and at least said hi and how are you? to each one individually. a few more loads of laundry and that's ok for tonight.
4lane is really sick tonight, he won't eat again and is all has to be pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer...i will shift him to a different vet and see if they can figure him out. sometimes you need a couple of different eyes looking at the same thing before you get your answer but my gut says we need to look alot closer at him. i doubled his pain meds (we had room to play around) but i had to dilute all of his meds to give them by syringe cuz he was just NOT swallowing ANY pill. i have him wrapped in fleece and the heater is pulled in nice and close so hopefully once his bedtime pain and gastric meds kick in he will decide that maybe he'd like to eat something good.
another week of no answers and of him feeling like crap and i am not looking forward to where we might have to go next if he just can't feel well again soon.
maude is perky but i think she is still faking. the vet said 4-6 weeks before she will really be out of danger again.
maxine is totally out of her cage now. monkey is out for brief periods only. brandy is a jerk so he will be quite awhile before i want him freely roaming around with the other cats. diablo and winter were let out to stretch out in the office while i did their cages up again tonight. i know exactly why the shelter did not want to put these two down, they are just sweet and very lovely and cheerful cats.
well, the little guys are absolutely choked at me...they fussed non stop til just after nine...i went in to spot mop a few minutes ago and they basically just all laid there and told me to go straight to hell.
the suction cups are in a snit.
can you guys adopt 4lane and feed 2fur2?...i guess with murph's diet it would be 3fur3. hey! three times lucky!!!! or....
you can let me pick 9 more saints for you and it can be...11!