lynn and helga were here and mo, laura and lana eventually made it too. copper apparently bit 4lane on the nose, not like 4lane doesn't act the beast with some of the other dogs so fair is fair.
i am not feeling great...stiff neck and headache...up too early after not a great sleep...and a crappy day at work (nothing bad, just too many LONG dressing changes with bending at weird angles for much too long each time.) i have decided my problem is the new pillows, they are too thick and heavy..i am going to go back to my old ones which are puffy and light. hope that fixes the problem cuz today i feel one hundred years old.
caspar is not a happy camper...he does not like the little dog frenzy and hysteria in my room. those little dogs scream whenever they are excited or upset...shit they just like to scream any time they can.
i brought him out with the chi's, jewel, squirt, molly, tyra, maude and lexie..phoebe and nina are sound asleep and jewel for some reason is quiet so he doesn't know the real crazy ones are in here too.
right at this moment he thinks the kitchen/little dog/cat rooms are cool...just wait til the real hysterics wind up....he won't think so for long.
once lucy, the hairy frog, hag in waiting, goes home, it should settle down in the other area as long as 4lane quits winding angel up. cuz angel when mad can REALLY must be a blind dog thing.
i have FRESH, bakery bread for swiss cheese sandwhiches for dinner AND a small blueberry pie...mmmmm...can't wait til i put those barn beasts to bed so i can have my supper treat.
i think i will go lay down and rest for an hour with my more comfortable pillow..then the plan is i will get up feeling GOOD, shove those not so little bastards into the barn real quick and then share my dinner with the other little and not so little bastards who DON'T live in the barn.
thats the plan better work.
thx for doing all the real work up here today i don't have to!