it took an hour and a half to get into maple ridge this morning...there was construction on all routes in plus they closed the highway. i did get the meds but they are still out in the car.
the vet didn't get here til almost 3 then emily's dehorning stumps looked infected and gideon had had a nasty fall while running up the hill. angelina said there was no one in front or behind him so she had no idea why he was running, i guess he just felt he should hurry for some reason.
grammy has arthritis in both her knees but the right one is very swollen and painful. we started her on pain meds. gideon is fine, i was worried that he fell because of weakness but the vet said he loooks ok considering his age and cancer. he thinks he is wearing his hoof off at an odd angle on the left front. the ferrier is due here next week so i will talk to her about somehow trimming him to compensate for the excess wear. emily just needed the scabs removed and daily cleaning while they finish healing.
we were late to go to chilliwack to pick up the new old wrecked dog. we barely got off our street before we ran into a loose idiot dog freaking out in the middle of the road with STUPID drivers beeping their horns at him. we (oh sorry, we is...tammy and angelina and me) grabbed him and drove way out of our way to drop him off at the pound...his name is caesar and i guess he is a frequent flyer cuz they knew him as soon as he came in the door.
sherry said," i want you to look at someone i think we should maybe euthanize, tell me what you think". (shit, shit and bang my head against the wall!!!)..old, dirty, matted rotti cross whose back end is too weak to hold her up. very sweet and loving...looks like a thyroid dog to me. i said to test her with dogs and cats and if she is solid gold with them both, i will maybe take her.
back on the road to chilliwack, phone rings, it is one of the vets...PB, sweet and lovely 6 yr old dobie brought in for euth for hormonal incontinence issues. shit and double shit what a stupid reason to euth a nice dog...i pick her up tomorrow....if anyone knows anyone who would like to adopt a lovely girl..please let me know. we will get her stabilized on her meds and then she should be ready to go.
finally made it to chillwack and picked up champ...what a sweetie...looks like cody and i suspect he too is a thyroid dog... large patches of hair missing, atrophied and weak back end, anxious...typical thyroid disease...he goes in for bloodwork and check up on thursday.
AND we came home with...a 3 yr old FIV cat named harvey...what a doll AND without a doubt the most pathetic ancient and dirty cat i have ever taken in..she has to be 18 or more and she is in horrible shape. the spca already had her at the vet and had bathed and cleaned her up so i cannot imagine what she looked like when she came in. her name is millie and i left her at our vet for bloodwork on the way home cuz guess what?...she looks like a walking thyroid problem too.
vacation sucks, i should just go back to work.