daphne coughed all night long. i gave her extra lasix..i gave her extra torb. it occurred to me very early this morning that maybe she was overheated and felt confined in her sweater so i stripped both her and shadow and turned on the ceiling fan...i am waiting to see if that settles daphne's cough. please let it be just something that simple and ridiculously easy cuz otherwise.....
i realized last night that eddy's face looks just like eddy munster...is that not weird?
tula and bitsy are turning into bathroom seeking freaks.
tula is such a very nice cat...she is funny and perky and interested in things. she is interactive, she is chatty, and she is very, very pretty. she is here because she made 2 big mistakes in a row....she pissed off the neighbors by hanging out on the family's townhouse complex roof and she bit AAC when they received the complaint and tried to remove her from where she wanted to be. the AC officer told the family she was dangerous and needed to be PTS. the family ended up in one of our vet clinics totally traumatized and sobbing about having to put their lovely little cat to sleep. the vets called us and tula came here. tula was 13.
there is a thread on brindle again about owner surrenders and biting dogs...ok, so this has nothing to do with tula cuz she is a cat.
but we do have owner surrenders here of biting dogs, and other dogs who don't bite but really needed surrendering.....animals suffering from lack of attention, lack of medical care, lack of even the basics of responsible care....animals about to get knocked off because suddenly they actually came to the attention of their owners and their owners said...shit man...you are a real mess and i don't want you around me any more.
and the unspoken rescue feeling is...."ethical" rescue does not take owner surrenders. their owners messed them up so let the owners deal with the problems. ok...let's expect a drunk to act sober...let's expect a thief to guard the crown jewels, or a liar to tell the truth, or a cheat to play an honest game of anything.
it is not going to happen by any stretch of the imagination. irresponsible people do not become suddenly responsible because we tell them to. so then what is the answer?...let them put their own wrecked dog down....that will teach them a lesson? really?...who tells anyone they have never met, to end the life of an animal they have not met either???? (there were pages of "humanely euthanize chyna" advice on brindle...folks were even offering to pick her up and do it for her...huh????!!!! chyna only needed some medical care).....plus.... they didn't care about that animal's life for how many years and now they will care about ending the problems by ending their lives altogether?
highly unlikely.
another suggestion was make them pay a "HUGE" surrender fee...ok, that is going to happen too..the animal is worth little to nothing to these people. and since when does rescue hold animals lives as hostage for big money anyway? shit, nothing pisses me off more than anything than someone offering me money to try to get me to make some room around here for some desperate dog in need.
i turn owner surrenders away a lot...esp. in the last few weeks...i bet i have turned away at least a dozen dogs (even one whose owner out and out asked if i would change my mind if they would pay me?" yeah...NO!!!
i do try to take from the pounds and the shelters first..and hey if an owner surrender is in dire straits..i will try to take that one next. animals really do need rescuing from many different places. last on my list to help are animals already in rescue...they have already been "rescued" so why do they need to take up space here?
and here is something that some folks don't know about rescue but you learn it when you have been around for awhile.....when you "rescue" an animal...you just signed a contract in blood (theirs and yours) that you will be there for them for THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.
let me spell this out clearly, what exactly this means....
it means...if you take in an animal and then adopt them out and the adoption EVER fails...the animal comes directly back to your shelter or house.
it means...if one of your animals EVER ends up in a pound or another shelter...you go and get it immediately and take it back to your shelter or your house.
it means if you accidently take in a pain in the ass animal that no one ever wants...that you keep and WANT that pain in the ass animal forever yourself.
animals in rescue NEVER become as disposable as unrescued animals out in the general public.
over the years i have ended up with quite a few theoretically "adoptable" animals that no one will ever adopt (they accumulate over time)...oh well...that is to be expected....they can't all be easy, happy fairy tales...some are just a bit more difficult than that. BUT rescue's job does not depend on convenience and ease, it depends on the words of promise we give.
anyway...tula is a really nice 14 yr old cat now...both she and i would be really happy if in this new year she could find the home of her dreams.
Happy New Year Everyone! I hope that 2010 brings good health, love and wealth to all of the Saints. Missing you all. Love Rae