Rescue Journal

heads up....

Carol  ·  Jan 15, 2010

sheila called me today...i was just leaving the cemetary from a family funeral....she wants me to shave my head as a fundraiser for the upcoming pub night in march..i said we would raise more money from folks trying to save me from getting my head shaved...i believe in the goodness of human nature...(please don't let me be wrong!)
so before i fully commit.... i just want to check guys will help me raise enough money so i don't actually have to shave my head.... won't you????
sigh, the things i am willing to maybe do for rescue.

myles went home with dawn for a trial tonight....hope all goes well....he is a such a wonderful dog...i think all will go really well.

reggie is quite liking the mp room..yay reggie!

donny went into the vets for his post stroke an aside, they discovered, he has an ulcer on his eye. he has been on steriodal eye drops for his dry eye...that just predisposed him to ulcer development. the vet said that ideally to prevent the eye from rupturing, we should now remove the eye....except...he has a whole whack of other old dog health issues, including a very bad heart. too great a surgical risk i think for him. they spun out some plasma from his blood which i am to put into his eye, several times a day...this will maybe help it to heal, and he has antibiotic ointment and oral antibiotics...fingers crossed we can save his eye for him.

ok folks..i wanna know now...are we up to raising enough money so i can keep my old lady hair (it keeps my head warm!)... i think sheila thinks 4 grand should keep me safe from looking bald and stupid...i don't have one of those nicely shaped heads.

can we get 400 people to chip in 10 bucks each????



Mo your beautiful curls cannot be shaved...please I will donate to save your hair...


Oh no, not Mo!! Your hair is so lovely. I will send out a double donation to save you too!


Hey lll shave my big deal......Bald is beautiful :) :) :)


Mo??....Sheila??.... You will shave your hair?? I need a haircut too. I'll do it! Maybe a shaved head volunteer/staff poster sale? Calendars? hehehe! I feel pounds lighter already.


i am so chuckling tonight...thx charlotte from illinois! $10 just hit paypal to save my hair...hah sheila i got $30 in just a couple of hours..i can so raise a couple of thousand in a couple of months!
i have given up my life to these guys...i damn well will get to keep my crazy cat lady hair!


okay, you got my ten. But ... a wig would probably keep your head warmer than regular hair, wouldn't it? Like a nice, big Tina Turner wig or something?


are you not glad you and eric got married last year...hey...can i spill the beans on the blog now...eric said i could??!!!!


lol...she will be so upset if her mom is bald at her wedding....

yeah ok my good friend were using it as an example but secretly hoping you could chip in money and watch me get shaved!!!!

mo and sheila actually said they'd shave their heads much will folks pay to have them shave their heads instead of me?..i will chip in 50 bucks for that!!


Just to be clear - I was using the shaving of heads that cancer fundraisers use as an example and said we didn't have to use that one but YOU said okay to the example. I also think that people will pay more for you to shave your head than to save you and as I told you on the phone I myself personally am willing to chuck in money to see you shave your head.


hmmm, isn't lindsey's wedding coming up soon?
and meg and i will be out tomorrow around 11am