Rescue Journal

death becomes her...

Carol  ·  Feb 26, 2010


did you see that movie with meryl streep and goldie know the one where they take some kind of permanent youth stuff and then their body parts start breaking and falling off? it is darkly funny.

anyway..our own little dead zombie dog is wandering around the computer room...wagging his little tail, barking just for the fun of it and to see what it might get him this time around (it got him an oreo cookie) and happily thinking his little wrecked body is still alive and functioning quite well.. i actually cringe when people see can they possibly look at him and not think he should be put to sleep? shit..whenever i look at him...i think he should be put to sleep.

however...while death may become him...death cannot have him least not for a little while.


beverley wristen

Felix is one of Gods angels and when i look at the picture i can see this. you are beautiful Felix and very much loved by so many people. God is watching over you little one and he will keep you safe in his arms.


You're very welcome Carol!

I know you have 10 million katrillion good photos...and I wanna' see them all.


He is indeed a happy pupper Shannon. I was in the house a bit ago and he was standing underneath Rose's chin letting out his wee barks....if they can be called barks!

It struck me yet again, as I looked at the 2 of them, that this is indeed a happy home/farm that is filled to all the rafters with love and goodness. *sigh*


That is one happy looking dog and at the end of the day, thats all that matters.