i just realized that we have some pretty odd looking animals around here...
Carol · May 4, 2010
max with his weird white eyes looks like a zombie. chance does look like a mongolian monster, especially when he comes at you in high speed dragging his back feet. angel's blind eyes glow in the dark and the one eyed monkeys around here always look like they are evil pirates squinting and sizing you up. molly, sissy and larry look like some kind of mutant frogs from a toxic waste pond, someone stole jewels legs and teeth so when she is laying down and screaming, she looks like a legless gummy dog. jenny, lilith, and sidney look like ethopian refugees, scrappy looks like he swallowed and grew a watermelon or pumpkin seed, yoshi in a cone with his eye sewn shut looks decidedly freaky, lotus looks like someone gave her the wrong back legs and fat little suzy and lil big bud look like they are related to mr. potato head....how come i didn't notice this before? how come i thought they were all so cute? individually they are adorable but added together they look like a michael jackson thriller group.
someone should put a video together of our guys with that song...that would be funny!
hey where'd you get those creepy peepers? (MAX and ANGEL)
its only skin deep ... (MOLLY and SISSY)
I like to eat my feelings (SCRAPPY AND BUD)
What about me? I am missing a freakin leg!
and we are each missing an eye ... geez what does an animal need to do around here to get mentioned on the blog ... (NINA and WYNTER)
his tongue is only tiny when he is serious or concentrating. When he is relaxed and happy it is the longest tongue ever!!!