Rescue Journal

if i was a rich man..ladaladaladaladaladala...

Carol  ·  Sep. 15, 2010

all day long i'd diddle diddle dah....if i was a wealthy man!

fiddler on the roof.

ah well.....if i was a rich (wo)man i wouldn't worry about raising funds for leaky old is stressful..if i had the 25 grand, i'd just pay their bills myself.

BUT..i do want to say to all of the folks coming on saturday to not only help care for our animals but to celebrate their lives...thank you. this one event...this one night is about two things only...paying the medical bills for old and discarded animals and acknowledging the value and reality of their lives.

these are not make believe animals, these are not animals in theory, these are not just characters in some sappy rescue story...these are living and breathing and feeling and thinking real life lives.
what i like best about this fundraiser is how our animals travel there and are in the room with us ..maybe not in body because the venues never allow that...but in spirit..inside us.... we bring them to you.

this is the one night every year where all of us put their lives on the table for you..where you become their caregivers, their support network, their guardian angels..where you become their saviors, their family...their protectors and friends.

there is no politics in this, there is no hidden agenda, there is no competition, no grudges, no misunderstandings or miscommunications....there is just hundreds of past and present senior and special needs, once unwanted and unknown, (but not any more,) animals speaking to directly to you.

it is one of those absolutely shining and pure moments in time and that is why i like it so is only about gideon, and phoebe, and max, and harold, barney, chewie, sweet caroline and miranda and ziggy and all of the other ones living here too...but it is also about the ones who ended their lives here like cole and jewel and endora and spritely and spot and apollo and brutus and maple and peace and quiet too. AND it is about the ones who moved on to homes of their own like bailey, and diablo and ruby and amos and jenny and murphy and poppy....and all of the foster squeakers and hymie, and buffy, and joe, fluke, ootah, merridith, gwen, smartie-pants, daisy-fae, gracie, marshmellow, the mongolian monster, and teenie weenie tinkerbelle. many wonderful animals, so many bright shining fills me right up to bursting...i can feel them all gathering ready to join us on that night.

soooo..i actually am not stressed anymore....if only the one hundred tickets we sold actually come ..i am cool with that..because it means there will be 100 pure and good and kind hearted human souls united together for a few hours to honor and care for our saints. i cannot possibly ask for anything more special than that!

now that i dumped the stupid worry crap....i am really looking forward to is going to be such a very great night, i truly can't wait...yay!!!!!!
