some kind of help is the kind of help we all can do without!
Carol · Sep. 18, 2010
most times when i am doing something...i have many someones who would like to these are not cranky someones, or someones who gets their kicks from tripping you up and making you fall down....these are nice someones, kind someones, someones with good hearts and the best of intentions and they still totally will mess the whole thing up.
sometimes i try to work around these good but not so great little helpers, sometimes i just suggest that maybe they would like to do something go outside for a bit,,in any case i shoved all the wanna be keener helpers out in the rain first thing this morning and the quick mop up became a breeze instead of another effort in futility!
pixie went flying past me to cooperatively move with the mass exodus really quick but i grabbed her at the very last second..oh no, not you madam butterfly...time to go back to the cage!
and what did she do when i put her in???
she rolled, she rubbed, she barked and play bowed..she had such a total (and cute ) little persnickety fit (but done in a cheerful and playful way)...that i let her back out for a few minutes again.
monty and winter decided to combine forces and work cooperatively together to open the cat run door as their helpful early morning chore...then little pixie-chick took full advantage and i just caught her as she was squeezing thru the 2 inch crack they made....hah...back you pixie-dust beast! back in your escape free cage..i have no time to be scouring the world in utter sick panic for any wanna-be runaways today!!!!!
left you a message Dawn