if anyone was missing my blah, blah, blahing...
Carol · Sept 22, 2010
i apologise...if you were glad for a bit of a brief break..then i am happy i was able oblige!
i wasn't feeling well today so i took the day off of work and went into maple ridge and slept on my ex's couch for the day (too many soaking wet days working in freaking monsoons)....if i truly want to rest, then i truly have to get out of saints for the day.
i have been home for a couple of hours and i just had to do a few bugging me things...like restock the mp and big dog linen shelves, do something with the piles of empty milk jugs, push thru the laundry left in the shop, push thru the laundry still to do in the house, change the linens on my bed, put my clean clothes away and tidy up my dresser top....plus mop up the usual accidents and shift the dogs in and out.
and this would be why i can't stay here when i don't feel well.... there is always so much that has to be done....anyway...a 30 minute break before i start the bedtime routines and then all i absolutely have left to do is clean my bathroom and wash the annoyingly smeary giant mirror over the couch.
anyway, i do feel somewhat better this afternoon so tomorrow i will head back to work.
little mr. wants out of his xpen...now this really worries me because if i let the beast out and he proves himself a total bugger..will i be able to get him back in?..i am just not fully up to par yet and i don't feel like adding a enraged peke's bite wounds to my sore throat and achy joints right now.
but....he is asking...he is wanting....can i not give in to the little hairy blind, deaf, and sociopathic beast?
i will try to withstand his obvious need a little longer and see if he forgets he is needing something that i have the power to give.
oops too late, never mind...i just caved...he has quite a sweet and endearing bark...i opened the gate, wish us luck...we'll see how it goes once he finds his way out.
miranda had a fall from the cat shelf today..she seems ok now but her wobbliness is getting worse....the vet feels it is a lymphoma of the spine because her problems are not just weakness like it would be with hyperthyroidism..there is nerve damage and dysfunction going on too. in any case...she is sill perky and bright, she is still eating and drinking really well and totally interested in her life...at this point she is suffering more from a progressing numbness than she is from any actual pain...but that is subject to change so we have to watch her closely right now....but i just don't think she is quite ready yet to pack it in for the day.
No I most definately am not ready to pack it in--I am a vampire cat so I am immortal (in case you're wondering sun does not affect me)
Miranda likes to crawl up onto shoulders and bite necks. Miranda bit my friend several times and insisted that Miranda was a vampire. See how Miranada loves to sit but if your careful and don't let her snuggle too far into your neck you can avoid her "love bites"
ok..i so opened mr.'s xpen and he is still squeaking at me..come on buddy venture forth, you are temporarily free!
ah shit...writing this (with stops and starts) took 32 minutes...i over extended my break!
i talked to a friend of evelyns tonight and she is not coming out for sometime.i have to go see her tomorrow did not get there tonight do not know what is happening tonight let you know.