Animal Updates

here are a couple of updates on the ones i have not posted about lately....

Carol  ·  Oct 3, 2010

mostly because either they are not on my worry radar or they are not driving me nutz!

yoshi and doris have made the transition into the house quite well...yoshi took longer but i fully expected that. doris is still having skin flare ups but renee has been bathing her a couple of times a week and that has helped keep her skin managable.


if it is possible..i do believe that larry is even more stiff than he was before...with the cooler weather, he is not so interested in being outside as much.

maude, molly, james bond, tigger woods and stripe are still all kicking along pretty the top end of our ancient seniors (17,18,,20, 20 and 23) they are doing incredibly well. maude is totally demented in all ways but even in her dementia she can still get thru reasonably well each day. she just needs us to watch her and keep the other morons from knocking her over...she does much better outside where she still runs and runs...but not so fast or far anymore.


mandy weathered the loss of max with hardly a hitch...i could see she really missed him at first but within a day or two was back to her lovely self...gosh...she is 17 now too!


barney, the old blind starving cat found in the bush (who i also think is up in his very high teens too) is very happy in the medical room.


lahanie and czar are also enjoying the good weather...both are content and peaceful in their days, with their friends and both are still food maniacs when i am getting their dinner!


chewie is making the adjustment to full barn guy finally...he and pete are playing a lot but he still goes to bed in his very own house...hopefully one day he won't need that house anymore and he will want to stay out with the others in the barn yards and barns 24 hours.


sweet caroline still has some arthrits in her front shoulder but she is looking better and is a full functioning member of our little sheep flock.


carl the stealth pilot is back into checking out the barn each evening while i am feeding...he likes to quietly roll in the horses stalls before he gets his dinner.


ellie is as always the princess supreme...she is pretty consistent in her one day up and around, one day resting in bed routine. even with the $15 a day quatrisol dose, her discomfort is barely controlled..but since she is usually up and wandering doing her pig thing every other day..i guess it is working for her as best as it can.


helga and jerome are getting REALLY old...helga's head feathers are now turning white with age, we have had them since early 2005 and i have no idea how old they were then...all of the others who came with them passed away already...they are looking old now so i am guessing they might not have a lot of time left but they are ok for now.


the inside cats..pat, conan, maxine, snickers, el...are all doing really well right now.


our numbers are SLOWLY decreasing and i am happy with that but i did get a call from the spca checking in because of several recent large scale cruelty seizures... both cat hoarders and puppy millers to see what if any we had room for when they start looking for placement options. we can probably take in a few of each in a pinch who end up unadoptable and unplaceable elsewhere..i will keep a few spaces free for them just in case.

ok...i better get moving and care for the ones already here and waiting today!



not to worry colleen..he is back sleeping inside soon as the cooler weather started he moved his butt back in!

Colleen B

Dear Larry,

I miss you terribly and worry all the time. Please stay warm and out of the litter box, you little knucklehead. If you need some real motivation to stay inside, come live with me in AB where it is soon to be -40.

much love,
Colleen B

p.s. are you still losing your marbles?


just wondering about the couple who lost ben and were looking for a companion for their rosie. did anything ever come of that. and i would also like some more news about bailey if that could be done. thanks so much.

Carol Specht(soon Lorraine yeh)

Hi Carol, my daughter and I were just at your place, amazing things you are all doing .I am totally smitten with Harold but he only has eyes for you. I'm going to have to go and help there then maybe he will warm up to me. If my bratty lab would like him Iwould love to love him for the rest of his life. Thanks for your time today I know you are an extremely busy lady. Respectfully, Carol

francesca Wilson

Hi Carol
Marie and I will be at SAINTS on Wednesday (6th).
Thanks francesca

Carol Specht(soon Lorraine yeh)

I sure hope I can help if there are too many dogs from spca