Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Oct. 7, 2010

maybe is settling in fine...she is still a terrorist but she quite enjoys the role.

40 pound edith beat 800 pound emily off of her food bowl at dinner...that was kind of interesting. edith is obviously feeling much more like herself again so that is good.

andy is still in hiding...apparently he is not coming out til he totally forgets he has a hotspot.

angels bloodsugars dropped this morning but renee was able to feed them back up again...tonight she is fine.

2 new cats coming in from a hoarding is a litttle old ancient thing with really weak back legs...the other has ear problems and needs surgery and ongoing meds. i will pick them both up on the weekend. i don't know their names yet.

lola went off to her new home today...the next couple weeks is a trial to see how she and rosie get along.
tomorrow sammy has an interested potential coming to meet her so we will see if they like each other.

there are a bunch of emails again today..old dogs, old cats and one old our friends down in LA sent me the pictures and bios on 4 senior dogs who have run out of time.

i had a rough day at work today (my job can sometimes be so incredibly sad) so i am heading off to hang with the bed buddies and forgetting the rest of the world....(just for tonight)...tomorrow i will answer the emails, not that i have any good answers to give.

i just told maybe that i want to pick her up and kiss her all over.....she looked at me with her tongue hanging out and said...go for it babe....hmmmm on second thought...i think, maybe....not yet.
