Animal Updates

sammy has moved on to her new home...

Carol  ·  Oct 8, 2010

again this is a trial cuz she has to fit well with the resident 12 yr old daxi (super cute!)

Well I am the Queen bee, so in reality they need to fit well under my RULE!

sigh..and i am probably going to accept another few LA death row dogs fairly soon...the emails and pictures and pleas for help on the ancient ones are wearing me down once again. that will make 2 US intakes this year as larry, lola and jenny came up back in march...oh well...i am sure the desperate dogs won't complain if we bring one extra set near the end of the year.

this is strictly a guilt ridden pity intake with a whopping dollop of gratitude that i don't have to do rescue down there.

i sorted thru my movies today and gave away some of the unwanted ones, sent some over to the MP room for any movie dates and a bunch got sent over to the suite for guests to watch in the evenings my sorting tho i noticed i am missing a bunch of movies i would like to see calling all movie borrowers..could you please return any of mine some day soon. the dogs and i would like to watch them again...last night i was looking for "pirate radio" and it was out on loan somewhere and my daughter needs to borrow some of my missing ones for a class she is teaching about history on film.

i took some advil mid afternoon, had a nap with the bed buddies and hoped my knees and back would be less it is barn bedtime and i am dreading getting out of this chair cuz apparently advil does not work as well on knees as it does on backs....too bad.

and gideon says....... quit yer complaining, i am way older and wreckeder and i want my dinner so move yer dinosaur butt out here please.

I am waiting ...

UM ... speaking of Dinosaurs ... how do you feel about PINK dinos?


Ian and Mary

We wonder how Sammy is making out with her new home? Is she terrorizing the old daxi?


YEAH!!!! that is great news. You were a great help. All of the laundry done saturday at 2pm! That is impressive. You are the laundry guru.

Carol Lorraine

Thank you all for all the nice words. I will be in Sunday and Monday cause I promised. See you all then.

Ann C

It was great for us to have you there Carol, welcome aboard and oh yes there's always lots of work, but we have lots of fun too! See you either Sunday or Monday,


glad you enjoyed yourself today carol..i quite like the fact that now there are 2 carol's around if anyone is asking for carol...i will just happily assume they are looking for you....yay... a diversional carol, this has got to be good!!!!

Carol Lorraine )

OMG I am so happy that I went to SAINTS to volunteer today. It was a very rewarding experience even though I felt like I wasn't doing much. It will get better with more training. All the other volunteers are so nice and helpful. I was nervous but I did not need to be. I'll be back. and like the song says "the more I see you the more I want you" this is for Harold of course--what a sweetheart. See you Monday and maybe even tomorrow (Sunday) I'm sure you have something for me to do.!!!


a person at my work also takes aleve and swears by it. actually when my knee was really sore he gave me some and the pain disappeared within an hour.

Louise Z.

Hi Carol,

I am taking Aleve for my aching knees and back. I absolutely LOVE it! You only need to take one every 12 hours. It also helps with PMS (I have been told).My pharmacist says it's great for short-term pain; for the long-term, she said to take Tylenol Arthritis. Hope you try the Aleve though- it works wonders!

p.s. I have always loved dinosaurs.....