Rescue Journal

barney was euthanized this morning

Carol  ·  Oct 15, 2010

ryan found him seizuring when he came into work. renee rushed him down to the vet, these were full bore continuous grand mal seizures that were not stopping. the vet said they could try to stop them with heavy duty drugs but were recommending euthanization because of his extreme age and the probable resulting neurological damage from severe seizure activity he had already suffered.

renee held him as he passed away...she said it was very peaceful and barney was not afraid.

rest in peace barney..i am so sorry i did not get to say good bye....but i do know you were very happy to be at saints near the end of your life.




that is fine erin...hopefully i will already be on my way by then cuz i have to pick up some cool calories.....gideon is out and he needs them.


carol i dont think youll be there to care, but i wanna come early again tomm, like 8ish....hope thats fine...


so sorry about barney.glad he was at saints for the end of his time. peace to you little one.


Oooh Carol, can Jenn post a picture of Barney? He's not on the photo page and I'm not sure who he is. I try to keep up with the newer Saints but sometimes it's hard.

Rest in peace Barney...

Carol Ann

I'm sorry about Barney i didn't get to know him but I know he was well cared for and loved at saints as they all are.


Sometimes life really sucks.
I'm glad I got to know him. He loved to be held and petted. He would velcro onto you when you picked him up. He may have been blind and deaf but he could get around the medical room without much issue.
He reminded me so much of my Jonesy, both great old orange cats.
Its nice he found SAINTS and was safe and happy.