caspar is gone off to his new home (huge thank you nicole!!!) harold is gone to his new home....(and thank you both too carol and dionne!) yoshi, doris and little mister are all pretty darn happy out in the medical area (they can thank tammy, renee, ryan and me for that!) is quiet here...dare i say it feels a little bit empty??? but apparently it won't feel empty for very long!
12 yr old labx, newly diagnosed diabetic, probable new incoming from a fellow rescuer north of us. ...she may arrive sometime next week....she is supposedly very sweet and her name i think is dee-dee.
tammy and i did some more in the shop today...tammy did most of the hard stuff and i just got in her way. i will be glad when i get the results back on the bone scan cuz at least i will know how far i can push myself in doing things...being out of sorts in no where land doesn't work all that well for me.
renee and ryan got ALL of the animals advantaged today..that is a lot of advantaging and i am secretly grateful that i did not have to do any. but tonight my bed will have that "ode to advantage" smell so i am waiting til later to change all the linens until just before i go to bed...i really do hate that smell but i hate little crawly biting fleas even the years go flea phobia thankfully never grows less. this will be the last treatment til spring tho..we will just have to do any new incomings because the hard frosts are starting so our guys won't be picking up any new friends out in the grass....this is a good thing cuz it takes a lot of advantage to do almost 90 dogs, cats and rabbits every month.
crazy little maybe monster decided to give bonita lip...bonita did not take too kindly to this and sent the little monsterette skittering for cover pretty darn quick!
harold was adorable at carol's place...he really does not like her white lino floors. she has a great place there all set up really well for the animals...sigh..i was kind of jealous..i want to have harold's spot there and i am totally fine with those floors!...hey carol? do you want to trade..i will give you heavenly saints and you will give me the peaceable kingdom?
cuz even tho it is quiet ain't as peaceable as where harold now is!
my chuckle for the day...
helga was down at the vet clinic first thing this morning dropping off one of her guys. the clinic staff asked if she minded popping back up to saints to grab ellie-mae for an earlier appointment.
helga didn't know that jelly's name used to be ellie-mae so she thought they were asking her to stuff our 800 pound pink pig into her tiny that would have been totally funny to see!
********Here is a little picture Ode to Casper from Jenn*********
If you have not read Casper's table tail from last year's gala event here it is:
The Stoolie
Every school yard has them, most every family does too. SAINTS is no different, the one who rats you out is alive and watching here.
It is Caspar…the somewhat friendly poodle. I say somewhat because while he is nice most of the time, twice a day he is not.
Caspar came from Alberta, he belonged to an elderly couple. When he developed diabetes, they said they could no longer care for him with his disease. I felt sorry for the little guy, booted out of house and home for want of a bit of insulin. It didn’t seem fair…until I met him and tried to give him his first insulin injection, Mr. Nice-Guy turned into a snarling fiend.
THEN I got it, Caspar was not easy to medicate, in fact he was down right scary. Here we are six months later and the twice a day insulin is down to an efficient routine…I stick a bowl of canned food under his nose, he greedily sticks his face into the food, I slip a muzzle over his mouth, twist, hold tight, he starts to snarl, and tries to kill me with his eyes. I give him his poke, let him loose and he dives back into the bowl. It works really well but it takes speed and good hand/eye coordination.
Anyway…the rest of the time, little Caspar is my very best friend. He watches for hours for the moment that I get home from work and then runs to share the news. This is how it goes….I pull into a silent driveway, everyone is quiet and probably sound asleep. I spy Caspar’s intent little face watching from the outside cat run. As soon as he determines that it is really me, he darts into the house to alert everyone else and by the time I open the gate, the silence is gone and replaced with a bunch of dogs all frantically screaming.
I have tried to tell him, “shhh, please be quiet, don’t tell the others that I am here.” but Caspar the stool pigeon has no self control and he can’t keep a secret for even a minute, he has to go flying inside to spread the word…”WAKE UP EVERYBODY, SHE IS FINALLY HOME!”
That little dog, needs to find a new job.
Caspar the big mouth is very excited to offer you a place at his table. But just remember while you are eating your dinner, he is patiently on guard at home waiting to start yelling “hey you guys, SHE’S BACK!” (so please try to send her home early.)
**Casper we will miss you and never forget you. Be a good boy in your new home, love Jenn**
Carol, I have emailed you.