i see we still in first place...whew!...cuz i missed my voting chances yesterday.
Carol · Oct. 22, 2010
turtle gardens is still in 6th place in the pepsi challenge...if they can pop up to 5th..they can be in the next run for possible funding which would give them a second chance for funding a new van which they need. and the BCSPCA is holding steady at 4th in the $100,000.00 category...does anyone know if the top 5 counts for that category too to roll over into the next funding contest?
anyway...i was able to cast my votes today for all of us so that was good.
i am not sure what happened yesterday...i tried to vote in the late evening once i was home and done around here...but it just kept saying something about a problem and try again later..later i was sleeping....if we end up losing by one vote...it will be mine!
i have decided to close the admission doors again for a bit....we still have confirmed incomings of 4 cats to arrive...2 from the spca, 1 from the alberta rescue group, and 1 stray/owner surrender (the folks who have been feeding him for the past 6 months are moving away.)
and we have 6 confirmed dogs coming in...1 from the spca, 1 from another rescue, and 4 are coming up from LA (not sure who yet..i just know they are desperate)...with the several new animals we have already taken in during the past couple of weeks...that is more than enough new ones to settle comfortably into here....plus catch up on all of their needed vet care. i think after they all get in...we will take a break until our numbers start going down a bit again....hopefully we can help a few more in the new year.
i am trying really hard to keep a balance here...giving space to those who need it..but letting the numbers drop slowly a bit at a time by not quite filling every single spot once it becomes vacant. i figure if 5 or 6 go out and i only take in 4 or 5, then eventually we will get down to where i want to be...without NOT helping as much as we can.
in the past few weeks quite a few have gone out...but i think maybe i let too many back in again....i think we have at least a dozen cats and dogs out...and i think i said ok to 14 coming back in so apparently my system did not work so great this time around..ooops.
i will try a bit harder next time. BUT..the last couple of times before this time it worked pretty good...i for sure took in less then went out so that was good. it is the LA dogs who are screwing my system up this time...but geez, the old wrecked ones down there just don't stand a chance....we gave a chance to a few and let this time around my system be screwed.
i so suck at balancing....it really takes a lot of counting and paying attention and closing ones eyes.
So happy to see Saints is still in #1, vote, vote, vote....and also in 2nd place in the Shelter Challenge, keep voting there too. Jenn, did you submit another photo for the contest?