Animal Updates

if you google the vancouver foundation magazine...

Carol  ·  Nov 3, 2010

you can read a really nice article they wrote on SAINTS called..."The Saints Come Marching In"....

i love the fact that rose after her horrible life, is someone real with precious value to us and to anyone who has heard her story. she was a truly great hearted dog and it makes me happy that people know this.

thank you vancouver foundation for making rosebud real!

Edited to add the following (Jenn):

Here is the link for the article:

and of course the video they made was also great and posted on our home page but I will post it again because I think this might me the best 4 minute video I have every watched ... NO I AM NOT BIASED! haha.

?fs=1&hl=en_US" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always">



no credit necessary sheila..i am pretty sure this is a universal no brainer thought!


Hines says she recognizes that some people might object to investing in animals at a time when there are so many people living in poverty. But, she points out, only a small fraction of charitable giving goes to animal welfare issues. “I respect that some may not want to give to animals. But if they really object to supporting animals, then they should at least support and promote policies that help reduce the unwanted animal population. They should be advocating for affordable spaying or neutering.”

I love this part best ... and I'm telling you know I am going to be doing the equivalent of plagirism by saying this when I have to do talks. I will try really hard to remember to give you credit. LOL