if you google the vancouver foundation magazine...
Carol · Nov 3, 2010
you can read a really nice article they wrote on SAINTS called..."The Saints Come Marching In"....
i love the fact that rose after her horrible life, is someone real with precious value to us and to anyone who has heard her story. she was a truly great hearted dog and it makes me happy that people know this.
thank you vancouver foundation for making rosebud real!
Edited to add the following (Jenn):
Here is the link for the article: http://www.vancouverfoundationstories.ca/story.php?recordID=292
and of course the video they made was also great and posted on our home page but I will post it again because I think this might me the best 4 minute video I have every watched ... NO I AM NOT BIASED! haha.
?fs=1&hl=en_US" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always">
no credit necessary sheila..i am pretty sure this is a universal no brainer thought!